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A Little History

My Story
I believe in cannabis. I believe in its power to heal and transform, because it's changed my life. Thanks to cannabis, I am no longer haunted by symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
PTSD that was brought on by both the abuse I experienced growing up and numerous run-ins with the long arm of the law.
I've been busted 3x. I had to start over with less money each time. It forced me to get better, fast.
After number 3, I moved to Oregon and joined the legal market.
I have focused on turning the "art" of growing cannabis into a simple, easy to follow, scalable model. I have developed a system that is working well for Kanna-Wise.

By applying the right principles I helped Kanna-Wise drastically increase their revenues by quadrupling production, doubling price point, reducing waste and lowering costs.
All while providing the employees with a happier work environment. #itsallabouttheenvironment
I can do the same for your company. Don't underestimate the power of a second set of eyes.
I work with industry leading suppliers of hydroponic equipment, lighting, fertilizers and more. I am always looking for the best in the industry. Feel free to reach out if you are a supplier.

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